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Reiki is a Japanese spiritual discipline which focuses on following a path to enlightenment. A part of this practice involves healing both yourself and other people by sharing universal energies. Universal energies can stimulate your body's own immune and repair systems in order to make your body operate how it was designed to be. Reiki can be used for self healing as well as helping others to overcome their own illnesses both physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Reiki is universal, so it works on plants ,animals, food, you just have to be willing to accept this Wonderfull energy, and it will change your life in a very profound way.

Whether you need healing yourself or wish to learn this practice I can help you to achive your full potential in your life.

Colour Reiki 

Colour Reiki is a gentle non-invasive holistic therapy which will make a positive change to our lives. The invisible vibrations of colour can either relax or stimulate us according to the colours chosen for healing. Even blind people can develop a sense of colour. The Colour Reiki practitioner is sensitive to the vibrational energies of colour and channels this through themselves to the client. I teach this technique in regular workshops, click here for details.
Usui Holy Fire® Reiki

Usui Holy Fire®Reiki was developed by William Lee Rand in 2014. William was shown it to be a higher vibration. The energy of Holy Fire comes through in all the Reiki classes.

Personally I have done many methods of Reiki for the experience, however Usui Holy Fire®Reiki is the one that really resonates within my soul.

It replaces the old system of attunements, as the Master does not interact with the student but surrenders to to the Holy Fire® Reiki allowing the Holy Fire ® Reiki to work directly with the student, taking all the stress and tension away. Allowing a peaceful empowering experience to evolve.This energy is the energy of empowerment and accomplishment. Helping you to become your Authentic self in an easy, and empowering way.

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